Terms and Conditions

  1. The following terms and conditions apply to all reservations. After a verbal or written confirmation is received, along with any necessary deposit from the customer, the reservation is finalised and legally binding. At that point, the deposit is non-refundable.
  2. BritRoute, in these terms and conditions, refers to britRoute.co.uk.
  3. Customers or passengers who suffer losses as a result of accidents or delays in the flow of traffic on the road are not subject to BritRoute’s (or their agents, employees, or subsidiaries’) liability. This dispute will be between the group leader, the travelling patrons, and the driver. Please stay seated while the car is moving.
  4. No one is authorised to speak on BritRoute’s behalf or make any express or implied warranties or representations regarding any reservations.
  5. BritRoute is authorised to:

(a) To cancel, suspend, alter, or withdraw any travel, transport, accommodation, or other service booked if we are unable to fulfil the journey for whatever reason. In the event of such a cancellation or suspension, but in no other situation, a complete refund of all fees paid for the cancelled, suspended, or withdrawn facility will be issued. We will always notify you and provide advance notice before the excursion. Additional grounds for cancellation and reimbursement may include vehicle breakdowns, driver availability, or other unforeseen situations. We shall, nevertheless, try our best to cover. We shall not be obligated to pay any additional fees for any last-minute cover, whether arranged by us or by you.

(b) To refuse to carry or accommodate anybody, or to ask to withdraw or otherwise provide for them, without providing any justification for such rejection.

  1. Costs in all transactions will be based on the pricing in effect at the time the facility is used and are subject to change without notice if currency rates or fares change.
  2. Any damage caused to the vehicle or its fittings by any member of the party or group, whether willfully or negligently, shall be the hirer’s responsibility, and the hirer shall repay to BritRoute or, in most cases, directly to the company contracted, the cost of the repairs for such damage, as well as any losses or downtime of the vehicle that are the natural and direct consequences of the act that caused the damage. We or our contractor may sue you for any fees and expenses incurred as a result of your actions, such as the cost of diverting the vehicle for you or your party. We may even initiate criminal actions against you or our contractor against you (the client). As a booking agent, BritRoute or any of its subsidiaries are not liable for any vehicle damage caused by passengers. Unless otherwise agreed in writing by BritRoute and the contractor, the hirer (our client) shall bear full responsibility for any charges, criminal damage, or compensation directly with the contractor (driver). BritRoute, on the other hand, will work with both sides to help bring the client to justice. (Photographic evidence is also required as evidence.)
  3. Unless the hirer makes a specific request, BritRoute will arrange the route on which the journey will be taken, and a price will be based on that request. If the hirer makes any further arrangements with BritRoute or the driver for a route deviation in which the mileage or time of the new route exceeds that of the original route, the hirer will be obligated to pay BritRoute for the additional cost incurred.
  4. All hire arrangements are subject to the availability of a vehicle or vehicles of the requisite capacity on the requested day and time. BritRoute will not be held liable if a vehicle for which a quote has been provided is unavailable. Receiving a quote does not guarantee that a vehicle will be available. If BritRoute is unable to fulfil the booking, they have the right to issue a refund and cancel it.
  5. Unless otherwise expressly agreed, a minimum payment of 40% (non-refundable) of the hiring rate is required to confirm your booking; if we are unable to fulfil the journey request, the deposit will be reimbursed.
  6. After a booking confirmation and deposit have been received, the deposit is non-refundable. If a booking is cancelled more than 14 days before the trip, a 40% cancellation fee will be applied to the total amount. If a booking is cancelled between 7 and 14 days before the trip, a fee equal to 50% of the booking amount is payable.

If a booking is cancelled between 48 hours and 7 days before the voyage, a fee of 75% of the booking amount is required.

If a reservation is cancelled less than 48 hours before the trip, the entire amount of the reservation is charged. We, as BritRoute, have completed our commitment with you and cannot offer refunds on these bookings once our client sits on board any of the vehicles.

Should the cancelled booking include other services, such as meals, lodging, ferry charges, and so on, and the proprietors of these services levy cancellation fees, they will be passed on to the hirer in addition to the cancellation amount previously indicated.




All vehicles do not need, and so do not have, safety screens between the driver and the passengers. We strive to provide a single vehicle for groups of up to 80 passengers. In unforeseen circumstances where a single vehicle cannot be arranged, we are committed to ensuring your journey is accommodated by providing two or more vehicles. While we are here to assist, please note that the company is not obligated to issue refunds in such situations.


In light of COVID-19, we encourage our passengers to take the following precautions when travelling with us: Our recommendations are based on the most recent UK Government COVID-19 transport guidance.

We recommend that you do not travel with us if you are feeling ill or have coronavirus symptoms (COVID-19).

Although it is not required by law, it is recommended that you wear a facial covering. Our drivers are instructed to sanitise all commonly touched surfaces of their vehicles between trips; however, you may use your own disinfectant wipes (with the driver’s consent) for added peace of mind.

When exiting the vehicle, use tissues to capture coughs and sneezes and dispose of them safely.

Keep as much social distance as possible by not shaking hands with the driver or sitting next to them. “Use hand sanitizer when necessary and avoid touching your face.”


We encourage our drivers to take the following precautions when executing COVID-19 trips: Our recommendations are based on the most recent UK Government COVID-19 transport guidance. Although not essential, it is recommended that you wear an adequate face mask or covering as long as it does not impair your ability to drive safely. Provide for enough external ventilation of the vehicle by keeping the automobile windows open during excursions.

You should clean your vehicle on a regular basis with gloves and conventional cleaning supplies, paying special attention to door handles and other surfaces that passengers may contact. When loading or unloading passenger baggage, obtain permission, wipe your hands, and/or use disposable gloves as needed.

After exiting the vehicle, use tissues to capture coughs and sneezes and dispose of them hygienically. Keep a physical distance from your passenger, and do not shake their hand to meet them. Wash your hands with soap or hand sanitizer on a frequent basis, and avoid touching your face.

  1. We may subcontract and share journey details with other operators as a broker or agent. BritRoute maintains the right to subcontract a vehicle to another operator when necessary. The drivers employed by BritRoute are fully insured, experienced, and hold Full Operator Licences.

A hirer may not sublet, lend, or licence the company’s vehicles without the company’s express agreement, and the firm reserves the right to deliver larger vehicles than ordered or even smaller vehicles to meet the total passengers. If the booked car fails to arrive, we reserve the right to substitute any other vehicle or vehicles, including taxis. By making a reservation, you indicate that you accept this policy, and we will not be held liable for any claims made by you against us or our supplier based on this policy.

  1. A driver (contractor) is accountable for his car during the duration of his employment, and his decision is final. He has the ability to refuse admittance to any individual he considers a nuisance or undesirable, and he has the authority to request that such a person or persons be removed from the vehicle before completing the voyage. The driver may also refuse to continue the journey at any time if he feels it is dangerous; in this instance, no refunds will be granted to the customer, and BritRoute will not be held liable for any acts.
  2. If a flight is missed, it is the passenger’s or booker’s responsibility to tell BritRoute promptly so that we can notify the driver not to enter the airport for the pick-up. If the trip was prepaid, the fare will be refunded once administrative fees are deducted. However, if the passenger prefers to take a later flight, we will do so at a slightly higher fee. If this is not reported to BritRoute, the passenger or booker will be required to pay the entire fare, and if the fare is prepaid, the fare will not be returned.


“No Show”

“No Show” Meaning: If a passenger books a private hire car with us and fails to meet the driver at the scheduled pick-up location, this includes the airport, seaport, home, hotel, and any other private address. This includes inaccurate booking dates and times.

The driver will wait in the arrival hall for up to one hour after the flight has landed, and if the passenger fails to meet the driver within this time limit or fails to contact the driver via phone, email, or SMS to inform them of their status at the airport or seaport, this will be considered a no-show.

In the event of a no-show, any bookings made online or over the phone on the premise of paying the driver cash, if the booking was secured with a valid credit or debit card, will be charged the entire fare of the transfer.

In the event of a no-show, all credit or debit card bookings will not be returned.

Also, if you have booked a reservation for a specified time and then decide to change the times of your transfers, you may be charged an additional fee. This is only due to the fact that we may have other jobs scheduled during the day, which would interrupt our entire day’s schedule.

We work with 24-hours format which is mentioned in the form submission process too. BritRoute won’t be responsible for any error made by the customer regarding this while booking. For example if booking has to be at 10:00 PM and instead of writing 22:00 if customer writes 10:00 then we won’t be responsible for such error during the trip time and there won’t be any refunds issued in such situations to the customer.

As a result, we may need to obtain last-minute emergency vehicle and driver coverage to meet the needs and requirements of our customers and jobs, which would incur additional costs. As a result, rather than passing on the entire cost, we will pass on a portion of it to the client who requested the revisions. 14A.

Please ensure that you are all prepared for collection or pickup at the indicated and agreed-upon time, as any waiting time of more than 15 minutes may result in an additional fee by the driver. Please also adhere to the schedule times agreed upon when booking, as drivers are subject to rigorous hour limitations.

If you are late and our driver is running late for other assignments and we are unable to make alternate arrangements, the driver may leave without refund. Please keep the car(s) clean and all passengers well behaved; if any damage is caused to the vehicle, you will be charged; if our driver feels insecure, he has the right to take you from the vehicle, and you will have to make your own arrangements. You will not receive a refund.

If the desired vehicle is not available for any reason, we reserve the right to supply a larger or smaller vehicle to accommodate the total number of passengers. We also reserve the right to provide a different-branded vehicle if we are unable to provide the actual agreed vehicle for any reason; there will be no additional charge for this.

Additionally, unless a trailer is ordered and paid for separately in advance at a cost of at least £40 each way, we reserve the right not to deliver it on the day of the transfer in the event of an emergency. If this is the case, we will generally notify you. As much as we try to send a vehicle of choice to our customers, this is not always the case because the vehicle may be delayed in traffic, the vehicle may break down, and so on. This is why we cannot clearly state a specific type of vehicle will be sent out, nor can we market our service as such, as we aim to provide a continuous service.

Your driver’s information will typically be sent 1-2 days prior to the voyage; if you have not heard from us by then, please phone us.

  1. Except for guiding dogs, animals are not permitted aboard the company’s vehicles.
  2. Unless otherwise agreed, no alcoholic beverages may be brought or consumed in the company’s vehicles.
  3. On the company’s vehicles, smoking is strictly prohibited.
  4. Fast food, such as chips, pizza, and burgers, is not permitted to be carried or consumed on the company’s vehicles.
  5. A driver may refuse guests who bring luggage or things that are too large for the company’s vehicles. Heavy items, like suitcases, should be stored in the back and side luggage lockers, and no item should block the gangway or emergency exits.
  6. When necessary, a different coach may return a party from a destination to the one that took passengers out; additionally, coaches may be used to perform other work during the waiting time at a destination unless the hirer has expressly requested in advance that a coach stay with their party, in which case an additional charge may apply.
  7. The hirer is responsible for any expenditures payable in relation to road and bridge tolls, ferry tolls, and parking taxes.
  8. Unless otherwise agreed, payment in full is required before departure as part of the contract of hire.
  9. If we have to reimburse a duplicate payment made by card or bank transfer or a payment made in error, we will charge a standard admin fee of 22.5% of the entire amount.
  10. Notifications: No bill, poster, or notice may be put on any vehicle without the prior written permission of BritRoute.
  11. Any complaints must be submitted by email. All correspondence should be sent to sa***@br*******.uk.


  1. If the firm provides a child seat(s), they are used at the sole discretion of the adult passenger accompanying the kid, who must convince themselves that the child seats are suitable; no liability for their usage can be taken by the company.
  2. Any departure from the details provided above by the customer may result in additional charges.
  1. The company or contractor accepts no responsibility for any unanticipated events that result in a late arrival under any circumstances, including vehicle breakdowns, traffic delays, delays from previous jobs, etc. Your travel or holiday insurance may cover such incidents; see your travel agent.

We shall not be responsible for any losses or refunds incurred by the customer as a result of late arrivals, alternative transportation arrangements, or missed tours or events.

  1. The company will not assume liability for any products or things that are lost, stolen, or damaged while on the vehicle.
  2. Your driver will assist you with your luggage if necessary; however, it is your responsibility to ensure that it is loaded and unloaded safely. We shall not be held liable for the safety or damage of luggage or other goods or for items left behind.
  3. Although the driver will make every attempt to pick up and drop off passengers in a safe location, the firm cannot accept responsibility for any injuries sustained while boarding or alighting the vehicle.
  4. Please use seat belts if they are provided in the car. Failure to do so may result in the invalidation of any claims for injury caused by a road traffic collision.
  5. The driver has entire control of the car; if he or she believes that the safety of the passengers or the vehicle may be jeopardised, he or she is free to take any action that he or she deems suitable.
  6. If any of the information provided above is inaccurate, we must be notified promptly; failure to do so may result in you not being picked up on time or the wrong vehicle being sent, among other things. We will not be held liable if you do not comply with this request.
  7. Requests for later pickup hours for your trip to the airport, if accepted, are totally at your own risk; we will not be held liable for any late arrival at the airport.
  8. We accept credit or debit cards, bank transfers, PayPal, and USDT (Tether). To guarantee your booking and reserve your vehicle, a deposit payment must always be made in advance. Customers may pay the full amount in advance, a small deposit, and the remaining cash to the driver on the day of the trip.
  9. By sending us a deposit or full payment, you immediately agree to all of our terms and conditions.

We wish all of our customers a fun trip and a safe return.